Saturday, January 29, 2005

talonbriz> bitch fuck ass cunt puke fuck off piss fart shit jack off bastard jerk off motherfucker asshole cocksucker whore homosexual gay fag faggot ass fuckers cunnilingus felation masturbation suck dick masturbate dick suckers dickheads rats
* talonbriz was kicked by Cycrow (Foul Language Kick (Kicks:11347))
@Benway> that might even have been an impressive list, if he hadnt repeated himself

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

nickmovie> perhaps my contact lenses are infected
Clairybums> oh i c
nickmovie> after 48 hours using them
Clairybums> uhuh
nickmovie> and they are old either
Clairybums> you may end up with them stuck there
nickmovie> so two days i don´t put them in my eyes
Clairybums> so you'll have to take out your eyeballs too
* EatButt was kicked by arryana (eat boot)

Monday, January 24, 2005

+DemonGuRu> heya vaishnava :) i been looking out for you
+vaishnava> were you looking for me for a specific reason?
+vaishnava> or just to sit at my feet in awe
+DemonGuRu> the latter is an appealing prospect, but i would just like to remind you that fahrenheit 9/11 is on this thursday on C4 :p
+DemonGuRu> btw, did you read my brain stuff?
+vaishnava> no but i read your entrails
+DemonGuRu> hahaha
+DemonGuRu> and let me guess, you predict that i'll have a glorious future?
+vaishnava> well..a horribly bloody future with entrails all over the place

Friday, January 21, 2005

+boblet> yay
* +boblet bounces in cheerfully
+boblet> I hate life! :(
* +boblet bounces out cheerfully

Thursday, January 20, 2005

+boblet> oh
+boblet> and I can be a legally ordaned minister!
+TheBigYin> yes you can
LexiBrighton> really
+boblet> within 48 hours!
+boblet> yay
+TheBigYin> and if you're lucky, you can spurt 7.5 metres
+TheBigYin> though i've yet to work out exactly why I would want to
* whiterose has joined #england
* Benway sets mode: +v whiterose
+whiterose> :)
+Jo`> whiterose :)
PoTaTo^^> whiterose "_
+TheBigYin> shortie!
+whiterose> hi :)
+whiterose> that's a warm welcome
+TheBigYin> we're incredibly bored, dear

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

+Praline> men r like wine , the older the better
+Praline> lol
TheBigYin> but you do have to leave them to breathe first
+Soyburg> The last time I proposed marriage, I was told we were going to marry on the day that hell would freeze over. I still think that's a reasonable day.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

On smiff, smiffing and smiffed

renada> psychonut
+Psychonut> ahhh renada....u been using your new word yet ?
renada> no i didnt use it
+Psychonut> well get out there and spread some smiffiness then
+Psychonut> before u get all smiffed out
renada> what is smiffness
renada> plz tell me
renada> plz
+Psychonut> again...from the verb to smiff
+Psychonut> we covered it earlier I suggest u scroll up
renada> belive me it is not in my dictionary
+Psychonut> I told u to add it
Carbine> lol
+Verum> tried
renada> why u dont tell me
+Psychonut> cos u have left
+Psychonut> heh
renada> ok
renada> what is smiff
renada> plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
renada> smiff smiff
renada> smiff
Carbine> i think it's just slang renada, and plz dont ask what slang is...
renada> i know what is slang
Carbine> good :)
renada> carbine
renada> informal language
+Psychonut> pheew...I'm totally smiffed out
+whiterose> me too :P
renada> ohhhhhhhh god
renada> what is smiffed
renada> hehe
+Psychonut> the past tense of smiff
+Psychonut> sheesh
Carbine> lol
+Psychonut> keep up
renada> it is the past tense
renada> in the dictionary on the net
renada> there is no smiff
renada> so
+whiterose> lol
+Psychonut> there is so
renada> so what about it psychonut?
+Psychonut> famous it is
renada> nop
+Psychonut> the second f is silent
renada> no it is not
+Psychonut> your loss
renada> i wrote it
renada> and then no smif
+Psychonut> u should have been using the abridged versions

Monday, January 17, 2005

+Soyburg> while ($nottired=1){type stuff};
@Nikina> Romanian Borg. I wonder if there is such a thing as Turkish Borg.
@Nikina> Resýstance ýs futýle, ý assýmýlate you.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

@Jo`> karl , u're alive !
+Karl^> I've never been dead Jo :p
+Psychonut> hmmm
+Psychonut> no wonder i haven't got a hangover
+Psychonut> I'm still drunk
+Zanatos`> scrumpy jack for me
+Zanatos`> thats a drink, not a suggested partner, btw
@arryana> my friend stood up against the wall and tried to calm the crowd while bottles detonated all around him, while his friend ran off for a good vantage point to take pictures
CheGuevara> yeah, well, now we're all one big happy family. with ak-47's
CheGuevara> Che Lives On!!
+Zanatos`> i dunno
+Zanatos`> i would test that theory
CheGuevara> its no theory
CheGuevara> its fact
CheGuevara> he lives on
CheGuevara> in our hearts
+Zanatos`> well never met the chap personally
CheGuevara> couldnt have
CheGuevara> unless youre as old as castro
+AnarCKist> CheGuevara: I know you see him, in the face of every child, in the gentle breeze that blows every blade of grass, and in your heart, but he's really dead, deal with it.
@Enola-Gay> lol
+Zanatos`> i dunno its the beret that puts me off, id keep asking him to frank spencer impressions

@grandpa1> Breathe in...breathe out....If that stops, so do all your troubles......
ViolinNote> well.... I was a horrible student because of it and couldnt get into a good university.
ViolinNote> everybody thought I was slow...but really.... I just couldnt read
vromogouroun> oh! why are you so silent
+Mu5tang> cos its text chat

Saturday, January 15, 2005

+boblet> at least my cat loves me anyway :)
+gemma> yes i can relate to that
@Benway> is that legal?
+boblet> only in alabama
spog> I've transformed my girlfriend from a depressed hopeless wreck into a lovesick girl with a future
+boblet> awww
+boblet> that's beautiful man
Razio> what future ?
spog> and I'm flying her over here in 2 weeks and 4 days
spog> Razio future with me
Razio> You got a plane ?
spog> I got a seat on a plane
spog> for 11 hours
Razio> oh...your shipping her in? is she from asia ?
spog> no
spog> she is Californian
Razio> ah
Razio> proper
spog> but ethnically she is half Jewish Russian, quarter Mayan Mexican, and quarter Hispanic Mexican
Razio> In other words shes american

Friday, January 14, 2005

@arryana> i rarely bothered engaging them in direct physical contact
@arryana> but i became quite proficient with man-traps.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

@grandpa1> Biggest prob with kids Parents.....
+boblet> so grandpa, you suggest parents should be shot at birth? :)
+Soyburg> German archeology shows usually show some professor, saying "We been digging here for the last 20 years and look what we found", wehereas Time Team adds a much needed aspect of "ACTION" to the topic.
+Soyburg> TheBigYin, I like the fact that he IS running.
+Soyburg> It's such an unacademic thing to do.
+TheBigYin> and sometimes a hippie girl digger will be wearing a short cut blouse...
+Soyburg> Right TheBigYin.
* +Soyburg starts to drool
+Soyburg> Indiana Jane
+TheBigYin> i know thats unacademic, but you have to look
radicalazo> is romania a country?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

aquarius``> please talk in english with no accents
+TheBigYin> by eck as like, strike a light guvnor
+TheBigYin> cor lumme missusm just like the blitz.... doing the lambeth walk.. oi
* +StoatWblr speeeeeks wiz an outraaaaaageous french aczent
* +boblet was going to say something rude about mcd, but their lawyers could be watching and I'm scared
CelticGem> boblet go for it
* +boblet hides under a sesame seed bun "caution: contains sesame seeds"
+Luce`> i need a font
+Luce`> like the Xbox font for Mac
+Luce`> can't seem to get it anywhere
+Luce`> am i invisible tonight or something?
blingman> yes
blingman> you're using an invisible font

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

K_rush_k> hm..Is there anybody who could help me regarding a grammer problem..
+Meerkat> its grammar
+Meerkat> work on your spelling first :P
BaggyJox> are english birds fit?
+Meerkat> only if they fly alot :P
+boblet> I bet god speaks welsh, just out of spite
+boblet> :)
+boblet> ok, this is now my official 2nd pet hate on irc
+boblet> when people see one word in a statement and ignore the context completely and start going off on one talking complete crap and being abusiving and utterly sickening with their mental problems
@CelticGem> boblet thats a good pet peeve
+vaishnava> what do you mean "complete"? that makes me angry that you can say that
kackmack23> darn. why did you people have to be so nice to me? Now I can't be the rude bastard I always am. --sniffle--
Roland18> tsunami from england in 5 sec
Roland18> 4
Roland18> 3
Roland18> 2
Roland18> 1
Roland18> 0
* Roland18 was kicked by Nikina (splash)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Sorin}21{> im looking for an english girl to talk whith her?
PinkyLady> Does anybody want to chat with a latin girl? :)
+RoBorg> PinkyLady why don't you put on an english accent and talk to Sorin}21{
behemot> hey i want to chat with a lovely girl anyone here? jejejje
@Nikina> No, behemot, we're all pig-faced monstrosities with bad skin and crooked skeletons.
@arryana> i can honestly say the most difficult job i ever did was abalone diving
@arryana> but that's because i cant swim
@Nikina> That would make it difficult.
@arryana> it did indeed
@Nikina> Uh... why did you apply for it?
@arryana> i didnt
@Nikina> Oh.
@arryana> i was living in hawaii, in a tree
@Nikina> Of course. Silly me.
bastajan> Is here a sexy 12-14f
@arryana> haha
@arryana> no, they're children at that age
bastajan> Oh no this channel is of old people
bastajan> liba
@Nikina> I'm 24. Hardly old.
bastajan> Inthom liba
@Nikina> bastajan please use English while in #england.
@arryana> speak english only
@Nikina> I don't recognise that language.
@arryana> its fluent infantile.
@arryana> i cant say that just-turned-14 year old elle is well behaved
@arryana> but she tries
@arryana> she's had a rough few years, and i wouldnt consider her level of acting out inappropriate
Loreley> teens have weird communication skills
@arryana> well, pretty much all anyone gets from her is sullen stares and resigned sighs
@arryana> luckily im exempt from that
@arryana> course, i let her drive
* miss12f slaps HangMan around a bit with a large trout
@Nikina> Put the trout down and walk away slowly, miss12f.
Dead_Doll> NEED 2 FEED
@Nikina> So go and eat.
Dead_Doll> i want u
@Nikina> Nobody here is edible.
@arryana> tell that to ted bundy
* @[Pete] burns the anorak holder at the door...
* @mints smoulders
cDOGe> damn windows keeps halfing the volume
@Nikina> They must be soundproofed.
* Samundar is Back (From:Auto IdleAway after 15 minute(s)) (Gone for:1827wks 4days 15hrs 55mins 19secs) - Invincible
@Nikina> 1827 weeks? Blimey.
@CelticGem> lol!
@Nikina> That's 35 years. Hmm.
+TheBigYin> i think I was in Nikina's house in The Getaway 2.
@Nikina> I hope you didn't shoot holes in the wall.
* +TheBigYin offers to share a bit of Meerkat's thigh with Nikina
@Nikina> Hmm, no thanks, I'm married.
Psychonut> i hope it was a free range meerkat Yin
+Meerkat> is there any other kind?
Psychonut> them caged ones are awfukl fatty
+TheBigYin> i dont know, but it could have done with another 10 minutes in the oven
Psychonut> chewy eh
@Nikina> He's calling you half-baked, Meerkat.
@Nikina> Ah! I'm proudly sesquipedalian.
+TheBigYin> no, i can't speak maltese, its just my typos sometimes looks like a foreign language
+TheBigYin> i wish i could choose which bits my brain deleted though. i'd have found Latin more useful than the lyrics to Aha's 'Hunting High and Low' album
CAKE> what time is it in japan
+Oliver> what do ants die of
@CelticGem> shoes
+Jodene> hmmm
+Jodene> voodoo acupuncture is an interesting concept
@Benway> stick pins in a person, and somewhere a little doll screams

Sunday, January 09, 2005

+Exodies> it's 'is there a girl who wants to chat?'
+MarielS> nop exodies but my cat wants to chat with u
+MarielS> :P
* +Exodies gives Mariel's cat a bath
+MarielS> mhh
+MarielS> is a mineral salts and bubles bath?
+MarielS> :P
+Exodies> no, sulphuric acid
PLaStIrAs> please anybody from coventry
PLaStIrAs> Do u know Angela Stanton
+Devonlass> no
PLaStIrAs> Please anybody
+Exodies> does she have a red skirt and wooly sweater?
+Devonlass> lol
PLaStIrAs> I need to talk to Angela Stanton
PLaStIrAs> Is she dead
PLaStIrAs> Angela
+Devonlass> right how do we know
+AnarCKist> how would we know
PLaStIrAs> please ask your griends
PLaStIrAs> angela Stanton
* +Exodies summons his griends and asks them
+Devonlass> lol
+vaishnava> angela stanton is my best friend and she says she does not want to talk to you plastiras
PLaStIrAs> a n g e l a S t a n t o n
+AnarCKist> she said you are dumb and smell of poo
PLaStIrAs> Please no I want to talk to her
+Devonlass> crush i reckon
PLaStIrAs> please angela
+vaishnava> she is calling the police and reporting you as a stalker right now
+Exodies> my best friend married Angela Stanton last week and he doesn't let her use the computer

+BellyJaby> u remmeber me this time Exodies?:)
Exodies> I remember having forgotten you, if that's any use
+BellyJaby> not really no ;)
Exodies> everytime we meet you fill my head with false memories
+BellyJaby> hehe
+BellyJaby> great!
Exodies> 'do you remember that time we ...'
+BellyJaby> :)
@Benway> BJ, remind exodies that he owes me money
+BellyJaby> got married...?
+BellyJaby> ;)
+BellyJaby> Exodies....u owe me money
@Benway> :P
Exodies> there's a check in the post, Bellyj
+BellyJaby> Benway is taking advantage of ur memory loss ;) u owe him nothing ;)
Chele_Brazil> somebody wants to talk?
@mints> no
@mints> we dont come here to chat
+Mu5tang> what a concept
Exodies> this is a channel for zen masters
@BrunoJ> shhh Chele_Brazil. this is a mime channel.
* +Mu5tang uses the joins and parts to induce a trance like state for meditation
* @BrunoJ clucks like a chicken
@mints> let me guess
@mints> your a chicken?
* Exodies decodes the changes between purple, green and black as signs
+Mu5tang> no, he's jim carry
@BrunoJ> no, i'm a dog. i've simply been hypnotised
+Mu5tang> ah
+Mu5tang> i wondered what you were doing next to the tree
+cmnthief> i think ya could actually make pig slop taste good , with the right wine added
+boblet> yeah man
+boblet> hmm, slop
+boblet> just like momma used to make
+boblet> diplomacy? that's when you threaten to drop nuclear bombs on them till they give you what you want?
+cmnthief> yup bobz , ya got it :D
+boblet> yup, it worked for us :)
+AxisOfEvil> it works great when i use it whenever i play Civilisation II: Test Of Time :P
+boblet> heh
+boblet> that's cos your the axis of evil, innit
+boblet> you gots to be evil :)
+AxisOfEvil> yup
+AxisOfEvil> i create a rival civilisation in order to destroy it :P
+boblet> awww
+boblet> that's so caring, man
+boblet> it makes me just wanna break out a bag of lentils and boil them all day long
* +AxisOfEvil picks a fight with Benway
* +cmnthief calls the ambulance in advance
* @Benway pulls an 88mm howitzer
+AxisOfEvil> see now thats just unfair :)
@Benway> nah, I'm just pleased to see you
+boblet> bitter twisted empty humans with only hatred in their cold dead heart
+boblet> yay!
+boblet> :)

Saturday, January 08, 2005

+Jo`> u can't compare computers to men ;)
@mints> why not?
@mints> they both go down on ya
+Zanatos`> Evil flourishes when good men do nothing, or what not, exo
+Exodies> evil goes to sleep when evil men do nothing though, Zanatos
+Zanatos`> not when they are somnambulists
* +Exodies draws the spiders from Mars swallowing the cosmos
+Exodies> luridly
+Exodies> oops
+Exodies> that's not a humped backed spider
+Exodies> I slipped over the line and had to add a bulge to conceal it
* +Exodies converts the hump into a utility napsack
+Exodies> (it's not every day you can say that)
+Exodies> now whenever the spider needs a popsicle, it can reach into its napsack, open the minibar with freezer compartment, and extract one
+Exodies> every modern convenience
+Exodies> this is a really good colouring book
Brazil-Boy> Hello everyone :) I have got pics
Exodies> take an aspirin and spend a week in bed
urpy> hi
urpy> i want to get married
urpy> =)
+AxisOfEvil> you've come to the right place
urpy> any man here??

Friday, January 07, 2005

@grandpa1> VralTupp..We enjoy friendly banter, but...........
lPride> is friendly banter anything like friendly fire???
VralTupp> Hi I am a swede, I wanna visit England some day, I have read about pickadilly circus, big ben, all the pubs, and bed and breakfast... but one thing scares me, your dental status !
@grandpa1> VralTupp..Just bring yer own teeth with you.......
VralTupp> ok
VralTupp> thanks
Marquinho-rj> it is that I do not know the norms of the canal, I did not make for badly very for in contrast. he is that in my parents in them we use the complete nickname and it is colored not wise person who here could not a thousand pardons my friends.

Sportsmanlike Hunting With Tactical Nukes

@Benway> so
@Benway> that grass out there
@Benway> very green
* @Benway watches
+BellyJaby> can u even see grass Benway/
@Benway> no, but that's beside the point
+BellyJaby> hjehe
+BellyJaby> tlsak bout somethin else then
+BellyJaby> :)
@Benway> that would require me to think. A most unfair expectation
@Cycrow> talk about sheep
@Benway> sheep are cool. Very versatile. Taste nice... make good jumpers... and have the market on going Baaah completely cornered
+BellyJaby> omg i was gonna ask can u eat sheep
+BellyJaby> how blonde would that have been
+BellyJaby> and im not even blonde
@Cycrow> heheh
@Cycrow> u can eat anything u want
+BellyJaby> actually can u eat sheep??
@Benway> not a whole one
@Cycrow> doesn't mean it will taste nice thou
+BellyJaby> when does a lamb change into a sheep?
@Cycrow> Benway, mutton
@Cycrow> oops
@Cycrow> BellyJaby
@Cycrow> even
@Benway> calls me mutton. Yeash :(
@Cycrow> hehe
@Benway> didn't think i dress that bad
+BellyJaby> hehe
+BellyJaby> no wait...
+BellyJaby> im being serious!!
@Cycrow> u do on fridays
+BellyJaby> can u eat sheep or just lamb?
@Benway> shh. Friday's a secret
@Cycrow> u can eat nutton
@Cycrow> mutton
+BellyJaby> ??
@Cycrow> its what they call the meat from sheep
kath5> oh lambs are those lovely sweet bouncy creatures
+BellyJaby> oh k :)
+BellyJaby> soz ;)
kath5> that we kill in infancy and eat them with mint sauce
+BellyJaby> but u never see it on the menu?:)
kath5> dont wanna make anyone feel like a murderer or nuffink
@Cycrow> i saw it in kwiksave today
RoBorg> that's because mutton is tough heh
@Benway> "whats on the menu tonight then waiter?" "Dead cute fluffy baby sheep, maam"
kath5> hehe
@Cycrow> i like lamb
@Cycrow> :)
@Benway> so do I. Had it for tea tonight
+BellyJaby> me too
+BellyJaby> and duck
kath5> no dead baby lambs on your conscience then Benway;)
+BellyJaby> yum
@Cycrow> i had lamb steaks yesterday
+cmnthief> the ones i ate were already dead
@Cycrow> we dont kill the lambs kaite
@Cycrow> Karl^
@Cycrow> kath5
@Cycrow> damn that tab key
@Cycrow> we just eat them
kath5> :)
@Benway> yeah. They die of natural causes just at the right moment. Assuming you can call a high velocity pellet natural
+cmnthief> i was hunting a the supermarket, spotted a leg of lamb there
kath5> yeah complete accident Im sure ben
@Cycrow> there coming right for us
@Benway> haha
@Benway> south park
@EvilKing> Benway ya can call it natural it frightened the life out of em
@Cycrow> aye
@Cycrow> :)
* @Benway cracks up just remembering that scene
@Benway> cute little bunny or whatever, and they do it with a bazooka
+cmnthief> it'd be more fun using hand grenades to kill lambs, im sure
@Cycrow> they used machine guns too
@Benway> meh. Where's the sport in killing defenseless animals at such short range?
@Benway> use an icbm
@Cycrow> hehe
@Cycrow> tactical nuke for hunting

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Luce`> too much like the never ending story
Costanza> Man! I don't think I ever saw the end of the one.

+arryana> i live on a freeway
+Mu5tang> ooh which lane?
+bibiosu> actually is kinda illegal to kill pelicans
+bibiosu> but if they are commitin` suicide why should i pay ?
Samundar> (Netsplit Detector) Netsplit between *.net and *.split - Invincible
@Nikina> Useful, Samundar. Don't use bold.
+Meerkat> is that a script?
@Nikina> Yes. And it's almost totally useless.
+boblet> heh
+Meerkat> almost?
+boblet> "netsplit detected"
+Meerkat> i would have thought completely.
@Nikina> And it's between *.net and *.split. Woo, useful.
+boblet> that's like walking over gigantic layer of glowing glass and saying "warning nuclear missile detected"
@Nikina> "blight" is your favourite word, isn't it?
+boblet> yes
+Meerkat> blinded by the blight
+boblet> I find much that can be attributed to one or another form of "blight"
@Nikina> Thought so. And is it a coincidence that that word is used most commonly in conjunction with "potato"? I think not!
+boblet> perhaps you are potatowise nikina
@Nikina> Sorry, I'm full of conspiratogen, having been reading about Paul McCartney.
+boblet> like some kind of potato flinging ninja who studied the careful yet rapid slicing of potatoes in some anonymous island just off the coast of hokkaido
@Nikina> I'm looking at a website that has a lot of very comprehensive photo evidence of the death in 1966 of Paul McCartney. It iterates and reiterates the fact that his head shape and size changed, and he apparently got taller, and so on, and proof that he had plastic surgery regularly until the mid 70s. It so far hasn't mentioned that the imposter Paul had the same speaking and singing voice and the same talent for music.
+Meerkat> Nikina: and your point is?
+Meerkat> ;)
@Nikina> Which is something no amount of surgery can fiddle.
@Benway> so the imposter is crap too then?
@BrunoJ> well, some people feel the need to announce their actions. i don't understand it. (as he picks his nose)
* @Nikina blinks, inhales, exhales, blinks again, and agrees with BrunoJ
ajhgcvbn> hi england
Psychonut> is that a silent v in your name ?
dush> urguitrjoep5ikm6u;j
boblet> I feel dush makes a valuable point
+Luce`> does anyone here know when the next england meet is
+Luce`> and who;s going
+Luce`> and where it is
@Enola-Gay> no
+Luce`> someone said May last night
@Enola-Gay> no,
@grandpa1> 2012
+Mu5tang> damn i cant make it last night

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

+Soyburg> Sometimes I just feel like I am a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters...
+Soyburg> To be or IRC...
Psychonut> i'm being attacked by a kamikaze fly
@Nikina> Well, it'll be dead soon.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

* @kaite lifts up the corner of her tshirt and wipes away boblet's tears
+boblet> O_O
+boblet> yay!
+boblet> oh my god!! this t-shirt... it's... ALIVE!!!
+Meerkat> alive? with pulse and blood n all?
+boblet> and rather heavy too
+Exodies> there's a couple of puppies in it
+PuturOSU`> have a life...we don`t need dragonballz
+vaishnava> dragonz need dragonballz
Joakim> does anybody want to start a band?
@Benway> ok. I'll crank up my guitar real loud and open my window. You sing along

Monday, January 03, 2005

Akira777> any players of Colin McRae Rally?
+boblet> I drove a car once
+boblet> went round corners and stuff
+boblet> in the countryside
+boblet> is that like a rally?
Akira777> maybe
+boblet> tho, there wasn't anyone going "90 right, 180 left, straight 200... cow!!! WATCH OUT!! COW!! MOOOOOOO!!!" ->BANG<-
+boblet> that never happened

+RoBorg> anyone know how to get bloodstains out of carpet?
+RoBorg> CelticGem do you know? heh
@CelticGem> just a sec RoBorg Im calling 999. Whats your home address btw?
+RoBorg> :o 999 do carpet cleaning now? great!
* xzextens HI all and ... HAPPY NEW YEAR ( sorry if i'm late , just woke up ;)
+RoBorg> bye all
+Mu5tang> night roborg
+Luce`> night night
Ha-Sheesh> later
+Luce`> live long and prosper ;)
+Mu5tang> hehe
+RoBorg> \\// o_o

Sunday, January 02, 2005

TiMpSy> is msn working?
@Benway> seems to be
+boblet> is msn a heavy stone?
FreakGirl> yeah is workin
@Benway> no-one's messaging me on it... so it seems normal to me
TiMpSy> why isnt mine working
@Benway> maybe you aren't connected to the net
@Benway> ummm

Saturday, January 01, 2005

+foxxxie> i looked like annie as a child
+foxxxie> red curly hair
@Jo`> aww lol
+foxxxie> lol its ok i grew up
+foxxxie> :P
TooHigh4U> Now U Look Like Her Mother
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