Thursday, April 14, 2005

Pierre> Elsässisch is a German dialect in northern France related to both Swabian and Swiss
+Meerkat> yeah, so whats your point?
+arryana> youre one of those people who implodes emotionally when they stop talking, arent you?
+ImYourDad> first time I've sat still here in a few weeks
+Meerkat> i noticed
+TheBigYin> piles cleared up then?
+TheBigYin> he even made baggy typo, so that's one less friend he has
@Nikina> So that's what, -1 now?
+TheBigYin> thats good going for ircers
@Nikina> More than I've got.
@Nikina> me so lonely
* @Nikina sobs
+Baggy> hehe invite for messages there Nikina
fyufyufyuf> male singel
@Benway> there you go
+Baggy> sorted
+whiterose> lol instant offer

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

* +vgLanT is a retard
+Meerkat> cool :)
+vgLanT> ty
* Wibble sets mode: +o vgLanT
* @vgLanT kicks Meerkat

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

[D]ari[A]> maçonnerie?? you understand??
+vaishnava> builder
+vaishnava> ?
[D]ari[A]> brique
+vaishnava> do you have a bum cleavage?

Monday, April 11, 2005

r_volv_r`> i`m from romania.. 14 years old..
LisaT> Is that in Dog-years?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

macintosh> they got ME by the balls too
BrunoJ> i do hope you are a tennis player, macintosh
Nikina> He's making enough of a racket.
* Weapon ( has joined #england
-Weapon:#england- Join #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny #kenny
* Weapon was kicked by After8s (unauthorized channel notice)
* Cycrow sets mode: +b *!*
arryana> oh my god, he killed #kenny

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

f_u_f_a> u know my pines is stuck to my ass
+Meerkat> pines?
+Beeblbrox> this is too funny
+Meerkat> ouch
@Nikina> Ah, a tree/donkey arrangement.
@Nikina> Eww. A man died in his flat and wasn't found for about six years. Ew.
+Beeblbrox> oh puke
zany> wouldnt be much left to ewww about
+Beeblbrox> true
@Benway> that happened to me once
@Benway> oh... wait
+Beeblbrox> lol
@Nikina> But you got better?
@Nikina> Hurrah! Parliament has been dissolved!
Nesty> really??
+Beeblbrox> must have been a big glass of water

Monday, April 04, 2005

* sh33py plays with his...
+Skaffen> ramsbottom?
Check out the archives for more funny moments