* Enola-Gay is now known as meerkat * meerkat is now known as smiffycom * Mongoose is now known as meerkat * TheBigYin is scared to cyber Meery now, in case its really smiffy smiffycom> didnt stop you the other night
Joaneee> nothing the matter with tripe +Nikina> I didn't say there was... but I've never had it and don't want it either. It's white and wobbly. Like bad jelly. Joaneee> nooooo Joaneee> if its wobbly...its over its age limit lol * Joaneee makes it with parsley cheese sauce mmm +Nikina> Strange, that applies to people too.
U235> i have 5kg of Uranium235 stabs purified with a metalic laier it dosent emit radon the cpm is 5000 is in a safe radioactine container i dont care wath yu do with it i just need money if you areinterested /msg me
+Psychonut> don't advertise or promote nuclear terrorism here
he11bound> I fancy some toast +Zanatos`> ew +Zanatos`> make a gf out of toast , i can see it now * +Mu5tang makes a toast to Zanatos` new gf +Siouxsie> lol.. +Mu5tang> raise your glasses +vaishnava> puts a whole new meaning on "spread her legs" JohnFaith> That's just sick * +Siouxsie raises hers.. +Mu5tang> haha +Zanatos`> i will name her toastalina he11bound> gf?....naaa...I like my women like I like my coffee...ground up and in the freezer
You can join the #england chatroom by running mirc, connecting to irc.undernet.org and typing /join #england
About This Blog The excerpts here are edited purely to remove joins, parts, and bits of conversation that are not relevant to the thread. Nothing else has been altered.
The author wishes to remain anonymous to avoid the predictable "why didn't you quote what I said last night?" and "why aren't I in there more?" questions (though no doubt some clever person will figure it out).
All quotes are chosen based on their humerous content, and no offence is intended to anyone quoted, or mentioned in those quotes.
Why make this blog?
Back when there were functioning stats pages for the channel, it was noticed that many of the regular chatters enjoyed seeing what their quoted line of the day was; so this is just taking that idea a step further.
It's also a way of documenting one of the more enjoyable aspects of the channel and may even encourage people who stumble upon this blog, who wouldn't otherwise know of the place, to join the channel.
About #England
A 'general' chatroom, #England has no fixed topic and is open to anyone, anywhere. You don't have to be english, you just have to speak it.
It would be a generalisation to say the channel is populated by 30-somethings, as there are chatters of all ages, but 30ish does seem to be the average, and this is reflected by the kind of conversation that occurs.