Thursday, February 10, 2005

Che_Guevara> Halt, troll!... prepare to be vanquished!!!
* +Soyburg puts on his invisibility cloak
+Zanatos`> thow a goat at him
* +Soyburg skillfully dodges the goat
+Soyburg> there goes my lunch :(((
+kath5> see u are dealing with an ex goalie there Zanatos`
+Zanatos`> dont play with your food Soyburg
Che_Guevara> but I shall still vanquish thee!
+Soyburg> eh, Zanatos`, I was about to accuse you of doing just that :)
+kath5> marginally better than a chair so he says
+Soyburg> Thou shalt not get the better of me Che_Guevara!
Che_Guevara> *flashes his sword*
+Zanatos`> smite him, sooyburg
+Soyburg> marginally seems to be the right word :)
* +kath5 sits and watches the duel to the death
* +Soyburg switches on the giant electrical magnet, hidden underneath the bridge (yeah I am geeky troll) and watches Che_Guevara's sword go by...
+kath5> underhand methods there Soyburg
+Soyburg> Yes, but that's in good troll spirit.
Che_Guevara> ha! your magnet is no match for my longbow, you fiend!
+kath5> hehe
* +Soyburg hurls the +1 goat of shadows at Che_Guevara and plugs his ears
+Soyburg> Incoming!!!!!
Che_Guevara> goat of shadows +1... yummie
+Soyburg> Heh! You're not supposed to grill it, Che_Guevara!!!
+Soyburg> Unfaaaaiiir!!!!
+Soyburg> That was my goat!
Che_Guevara> my dinner now
* +kath5 is getting a bit worried about this poor goat
* +Soyburg gets underneath the bridge and settles into a sulky mood.


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