Wednesday, February 09, 2005

* +Monte_SS cries
George-Cz> Early dude
George-Cz> 1:50am
George-Cz> I'm gonna cry!!
+Monte_SS> I AM crying
+Monte_SS> SO dont steal me moment
George-Cz> Yo, I'm makin' it my moment!
+Monte_SS> Im punching you in the face until you stop breathing....back to my moment!
George-Cz> Your moment passed ... see it? There it goers, right over there!
+Monte_SS> No it didnt
George-Cz> It even stopped, asking for directions
+Monte_SS> Your moment passed when you stopped breathing
George-Cz> Nah, thats when your fate was sealed, and mine almost was
George-Cz> You have no moment ... take a moment, think that through.
+Monte_SS> Having taken my moment, I realize that it never really was your moment making the whole thing moot
George-Cz> Upon realise you only had an incredibly breif moment, you take a moment to think about what a waste of minutes your life has been.
George-Cz> Your minutes coulda been better spent dude.
George-Cz> Okay, I just requires the CD-key for Windows XP Pro is all.
+Monte_SS> I dont have it
+Monte_SS> Now you cry
George-Cz> Now I take brick to your face
+Monte_SS> I duck and laugh while pointing at you
+Monte_SS> Now its your moment
George-Cz> As you laugh I take a blow torch to your face.
+Monte_SS> No its your moment now, cry
+Monte_SS> I have no face
George-Cz> I stape your eyelids to the floor with a six year old staple gun.
+Monte_SS> How would I have eyelids without having a face?
George-Cz> I built a house on you
+Monte_SS> I had a facechtomy
George-Cz> I had a everythingomy
George-Cz> Your head just pops up beneath the carpet in the house
+Monte_SS> Cheers
George-Cz> We built a fireplace on your head
+Monte_SS> Good likeness I hope
+Monte_SS> Faceless and all
George-Cz> Ahh ... your good fun, but I gotta leave.
+Monte_SS> Night
George-Cz> Night dude.


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