Thursday, December 23, 2004

J_Bourne> What did Britons think of the clash between the PM & US President protrayed in the film?
manImal> wazzat?
manImal> which film?
Psychonut> is that the ancient Britons ?
dizzyKelly> J_Bourne DO YA OWN BLOODY HOME WORK!!!!
KittyPurrz> lmao bb
* manImal paints himself blue and runs around shouting at people
J_Bourne> dizzyKelly: I did some googling on the matter and couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer.
* dizzyKelly throws water over manImal we shall have no sillyness here today :P
* KittyPurrz is grouchy and so screams at manImal for shouting in her ear
manImal> sorry just harking back to my ancient briton roots there
KittyPurrz> lol
manImal> apparently we did that a lot
Psychonut> are u asking for a serious opinion for someone who paints themself blue and runs around the place ?


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