Tuesday, December 28, 2004

keep scoring those goals in cricket!

+Psychonut> oh someone say something
boblet> you know
+Psychonut> 116 people..you'd think someone has something to say
boblet> if we were using the chinese alphabet this could keep us amused for hours
boblet> days
boblet> weeks
boblet> or somethign
+Psychonut> dp they have asci codes ?
boblet> would be probably unicode or something
+Psychonut> doesn't anyone want to do something to the queen or something equally original ?
+Psychonut> someone somewhere must hate us
Skaffen> I hate everyone
+Psychonut> or at least have a controversial opinion we can defend
Skaffen> So if that counts, you're right Psychonut!
+Psychonut> can we work on it Skaffen ?
+Psychonut> turn it in to a moot point
shahid> hello ppl it is me professional cricketer shahid afridi
shahid> anyone interested in talking to m msg m
+Psychonut> no one likes cricket anyway
shahid> boyz need any tip u can count on me
+Psychonut> bored bored bored
+Psychonut> cricket tips ?
+Psychonut> get real
shahid> yea
+Psychonut> out of all the things one doesn't want to come across when one is bored
+Psychonut> is some bloke who wants to harp on aboujt a boring sport
shahid> hurry up ppl i am about to leave in 5 mins
Skaffen> Lets talk about golf instead
Skaffen> Or maybe snooker
Skaffen> OOoo those whacky golfers with their CRRRRRAZY nicknames and MAD clothes
+Psychonut> as one who partakes of the occassional round..I shall be silent
shahid> dont say so pal i even play golf in my free time
+Psychonut> well...I am surrounded by loadsa golf courses
shahid> itz a v int game
Skaffen> playing it is ok
+Psychonut> talking about it is a crime
Skaffen> professional golf and spectating and stupid nicknames... yeeeeeearrrrghhh
shahid> yea well that is kind of true
+Psychonut> when one has finished playing..one shall drink excessively to forget how bad one was
shahid> watching it is the boriest thing ever
+Psychonut> boriest eh
shahid> ok ppl i m leaving
+Psychonut> we will miss you
+Psychonut> not many ppl take you up on the cricket chat ?
shahid> once again it is m shahid afridi professional cricketer
+Psychonut> once again we don't care
shahid> lol
shahid> i dont think many ppl know m in england
+Psychonut> or mebbe this lot aren't cricket fans
+Psychonut> do u have a big fan base in Romania ?
shahid> i have got a big fan base in almost more than holf of world
+Psychonut> yet u still find time to come online
shahid> i made the quickest fifty
shahid> was just getting bored right now so i just did
+Psychonut> a right little del boy ain't ya
shahid> i used to cum online when i was a kid
+Psychonut> err
shahid> abt 6 to 7 years back
+Psychonut> is this something you want to be admitting ?
+Psychonut> and you're a famous cricketer
+Psychonut> one sec..l;emme get the News of The World on the line
+Psychonut> I sense I'm gonna beat your time on the fifty
shahid> ahan
boblet> so cricket
boblet> what's all that about
boblet> there's these dudes
boblet> and like
+Psychonut> Indian Cricketer cums online
boblet> two dudes with "sticks" ?
boblet> and like they run about
boblet> or stand
+Psychonut> mebbe it's more one for the Sport
boblet> and the other guy throws a ball
boblet> what's going on?
boblet> then like, they hit the ball
boblet> or not
boblet> and like some guy runs around
boblet> then he stops
boblet> and it's like "bravo! well played"
Brazil-Boy> Hello Everyone :)
boblet> I don't understand
boblet> hello brazil-boy
boblet> brazil-boy, do you understand cricket?
Brazil-Boy> what does it mean?
+Psychonut> heh
boblet> it's some game where they run about and stuff and hit a ball
shahid> ok ppl i know u ppl arent int in cricket
shahid> so m going off
boblet> good luck shahid!
boblet> keep scoring those goals in cricket!


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