Monday, December 20, 2004

Hitler attacks intimate dryness with napoleon riding llamas in the worlds greatest buildings supervised by train accident investigators: miami

* @Nikina staples boblet to the ceiling fan
* @Benway turns the speed up to max
@Nikina> Ever seen the rejected Nokia advert that has a cat caught on a ceiling fan?
* +boblet screams
@Benway> yup... didn't realise it was an advert though
@Nikina> How about the one for Ford Ka that has a cat getting nipped by a sunroof?
@Benway> haven't seen that one
+TheBigYin> that was great
+TheBigYin> i think they got complaints about it
+boblet> ford ka: crumple zone on wheels
@Benway> the worst advert I ever saw... and only once, was on channel 5. Not sure if I can even quote it in here
@Nikina> Oh, go on.
* @kaite gets her trigger finger ready
+TheBigYin> you're an op, you cant get kicked
+TheBigYin> go on
@Benway> was for a feminine cream. Now you know how they usually skirt around the subject, being all tasteful and stuff....
@Nikina> He can get kicked by a senior op though. Wonder if there are any about.
+boblet> well, that's channel 5
@Benway> in this, the woman just looks straight at the camera and says "Do you suffer from vaginal dryness?"
* +boblet is glad he doesn't
* +TheBigYin checks
@Nikina> Oh, I think I've seen that one.
@kaite> lol
@Benway> they must've had some serious complaints, coz I only ever saw it the once
+boblet> heh
+TheBigYin> those kinds of adverts usually have rollerskating and blue water in them
@kaite> they always runs those types of ads here during the morning soap operas
+boblet> you know, it's part of channel 5's license that it has to broadcast filth
+boblet> if they don't they can loose their license :)
+boblet> hehehe
@Benway> damn.... that sport ka ad's evil
@Nikina> Tis a bit.
@Nikina> Ooh, found a website with a load of downloadable adverts on it.
+boblet> wow nikina
+boblet> and I thought I was bored
@Benway> heh
+boblet> I'm suprised nobody has made a channel just of adverts
* Pingubong sends nikina all his junk download required
@Nikina> Hey, I don't have a hobby.
+boblet> tho I feel after about 10 minutes my head would be putty
@Nikina> They have.
+boblet> which one?
@Nikina> Oh, I don't know. The Advert Channel or summat.
+boblet> heh
@Benway> there's a channel full of nothing but adverts on winamp
+boblet> and lo, did mankind destroy itself buying toasters...
* dizzykell feels the need to ask a silly question
dizzykell> wots winamp??
+boblet> it's a musak player
+boblet> for playing musak
@Benway> it's like mediaplayer dizzy, but without the MS fisherprice element
dizzykell> ahhh ok...wots winrar do cos i got that yesterday dunno wot it is tho :)
@Nikina> What's that advert with the giant beer-drinking jellyfish? Is it a mobile phone one?
@Benway> winrar is an archiver
+boblet> it's an program for making archives
@Benway> yeah... 3
+boblet> which are not the same as ordinary chives
+boblet> infact
+boblet> they are the evil nemesis of ordinary chives
+boblet> and often chives and archives do battle
+boblet> or something
@Benway> mmm... chives
dizzykell> wots an archive :/
@Benway> compressed file, like a zip
+boblet> archive: it's a glob of stuff for storage
@Benway> nothing to do with jeans and the backs of dresses
+boblet> it's where you put things
+boblet> tho I feel my prior explanation was better
@Benway> indeed
* dizzykell is lost haha
Pingubong> coagulated glob
@Benway> you can never have too many chives related responses
Pingubong> and u were looking for a job ?
+boblet> indeed
+boblet> where would we be without chives
Pingubong> ever considered tech support bob ?
+boblet> I'll tell you
+boblet> chiveless
+boblet> even tho that sounds like a quaint village in dorset
+boblet> it isn't
+boblet> yes, but they won't consider me
+boblet> :)
@Benway> they tend not to be impressed whn you gum up their drives with chives
+boblet> ah, they are just biased
+boblet> against chives
@Benway> indeed. it's shameful
Pingubong> what about dill ?
+boblet> don't we have enough of those already pingubong ?
+boblet> :)
Pingubong> a very energetic dog
@Benway> I've got a couple of episodes of that on video somewhere
+boblet> hmm, energy-dog
* @Nikina imagines bread made with dill, but still in the mixing stage
+boblet> sounds like a drink one would purchase in roppongi
Pingubong> i'm a very friendly lion called parsley
@Nikina> Tsk, rude.

* pornografie was kicked by Wibble (banned: change that vhost please)
+boblet> heh
+boblet> pleasant
@Benway> I read that wrong
+boblet> O_o
@Benway> was wondering what a pornogiraffe is
+boblet> it's a dirty giraffe
+TheBigYin> a giraffe with the spots off
+boblet> and not just it's neck is long
+[Pete]> 5 legs :P
@kaite> they wear stockings and suspenders on their necks
@Benway> heh
+boblet> hahaha
+boblet> oh god
@kaite> and a pair of stilettos on their horns
+boblet> you know there will be a site for that...
@Benway> lol
@kaite> there must be lol
* +boblet types in and sees what happens
+TheBigYin> yup
@kaite> i certainly dont fantasize about this on my own
+TheBigYin> if there is a snot porn site, there will be giraffe porn
+boblet> thankfully, no
+boblet> :)
+boblet> hehe
@kaite> i'll look for a news group
+boblet> what about giraffe snot?
@kaite> alt.giraffe.suspenderbelts
+boblet> hmm, "google: Results 1 - 10 of about 1,970 for giraffe snot porn. (0.34 seconds)"
+boblet> well, there you go
@kaite> that just gags me
+TheBigYin> haha
+boblet> no kidding!
@Nikina> Results 1 - 10 of about 12,200 for lemur porn.
+boblet> heh, hot lemurs :)
@Nikina> The very first result is quite disturbing.
+boblet> any of the 12,200 results is disturbing
+TheBigYin> "google: Results 1 - 10 of about 1,765 for giraffe snot gags kaite porn (0.45 seconds)
@Nikina> Hairy eared dwarf lemurs seem rather popular among the weird people.
@kaite> lol TBY
+boblet> those crazy weird people
+boblet> and there perpetual weridness
@Nikina> Results 1 - 10 of about 22 for weird boblet porn
+boblet> pah
+boblet> I'm not weird enough
+boblet> I try damn it
+TheBigYin> no, you're just weird in private. you need to do it online more
@Nikina> Results 1 - 1 of 1 for incredibly weird boblet porn.
+boblet> O_O
+boblet> ok, I got two webcams
+boblet> I'll set them up
+boblet> and walk around naked painting things
hmf> let me see
hmf> :)
+boblet> tho
@kaite> i love billy connolly
+boblet> really, that's been done
+boblet> to death
@kaite> just thought i'd mention that :D
+boblet> so not wierd enough
+boblet> hmm
+boblet> ah, I just realised
+boblet> too much effort
@Nikina> heh, I just looked back at the lemur porn search to see if there were any image results (don't ask). The second text result says "i shall leave you with this final thought: Why in the world would somebody be looking for "Lemur Porn"?!?! "
wreos> lemur?
@Benway> surely most normal people would be looking for llama porn
* Jo-bbiab ( has joined #england
@Nikina> It's a small lower primate, wreos.
wreos> ok
@Benway> Jo :)
@Nikina> You're right, Benway: Results 1 - 10 of about 37,900 for llama porn.
@Nikina> That's a lot of naked llamas.
@Benway> heh
+Jo-bbiab> hiya Benway , Nikina :)
+boblet> blimey
+boblet> those randy llamas
@Benway> you're just in time for the llama porn, Jo
+Jo-bbiab> lol
+boblet> "see hot llamas who just don't know when to stop, only $4.95"
+Jo-bbiab> great timing is my forte
@Nikina> "i think this web page is the WORST llama porn web site i have evr witnessed"
@Nikina> That's one of the results.
@Nikina> There are good llama porn sites?
+boblet> llamas man
+boblet> no end to their flexibility
+boblet> carry stuff
@Nikina> With all these llama porn sites, I'm beginning to realise how people know what llama spit tastes like.
+boblet> ride about on them
+boblet> eat them
@Nikina> And, perhaps, also, why it supposedly tastes of yoghurt.
+boblet> and now watch them practice making other llamas
@Benway> yoghurt?
@Nikina> So they say.
+boblet> hmm
+boblet> if you cross a lemur and a llama, what do you get ?
@Benway> a ring tailed sheep on stilts
@Nikina> Results 1 - 10 of about 4,520 for llama matchmaking
+boblet> HAHAH
+boblet> god I can't cope anymore!
+boblet> hehehe
+boblet> "meet marriage minded llamas"
@Nikina> Weird. Quite a lot of the sites are apparently genuine matchmaking sites, which also happen to mention llamas. Particularly llama tracking holidays in Peru.
+boblet> peru, that's a nice safe place for idiotic foreigners to wander around with llamas
@Benway> it's gotta beat walking around with marmalade eating talking teddy bears
@CelticGem> lol
+boblet> hmm, marmalade
@Nikina> Why would someone walk around with marmalade?
@Nikina> And who would eat a talking teddy bear?
@CelticGem> padington
+boblet> Results 1 - 10 of about 29,300 for marmalade porn
+boblet> I guess quite a few folks would :)
@Nikina> Or, how could marmalade eat anything, talking teddy bear or otherwise?

simmy> hy peoples,does anione to no more about dracula? i am from romania
+boblet> draaaaaaaaahhhcuuuuuulaaaaaa
+boblet> only thing I know about dracula, is that it's been done, to death
+boblet> "waiter! this steak is terrible!!" "it's a stake, sir" "Yes, that's what I said"
+TheBigYin> how does he keep his teeth so sharp and white
+boblet> dunno
simmy> he whash them whith colgate
+boblet> guess he's good at the old dental hygiene innit
+TheBigYin> he cant see his teeth in a mirror though
+TheBigYin> he might have some neck stick to the side
+boblet> that's why he has a minion
MeanGuy> He cleans them with MacCleans. And Smiths. And anyone else he can get hold of.
+TheBigYin> heh
simmy> in fact dracula was vlad tepes,a king of romania
+TheBigYin> we know
+TheBigYin> we've all watched Anthony Head
+TheBigYin> or rather he wasn't vlad tepes... dracula the fictional vampire was based roughly on the historical legend
simmy> thath think is not true
+TheBigYin> but is not a real person himself
+boblet> yup
+boblet> vlad was a good ol extreme tribal leader
+boblet> who liked to drink the blood of his dead enemies
+boblet> it was "his style"
+boblet> and supposedly he was very popular with his folks
+boblet> tho not so with his enemies :)
+boblet> hehe
+boblet> anything else we already know you'd like to tell us?
@Benway> heh
simmy> where do you know so much?
@Nikina> Edumacation is your friend.
+boblet> because, we are t3h edumacatiated
+TheBigYin> we have the Discovery Channel simmy
+TheBigYin> we know all
+boblet> we didz fancy book lernin
* +boblet don't have the discovery channel
+TheBigYin> i knew that boblet, there was a programme on the Discovery channel about people with no Discovery channel. pitiful
simmy> ok,bye
@Nikina> I saw that one. It was just after the one about Napoleon, and just before the one about Hitler.
+boblet> heh
+TheBigYin> it was on the same night as The Worlds Greatest Buildings Train Crash Investigator Moments From Danger When Hitler Attacks
@Nikina> heh
@Nikina> I missed that one; I was watching the llama film on Channel 5.
@Benway> did the llama have... umm... dryness?
@Nikina> Yes. Poor thing.
+boblet> hahah
+boblet> that would quite literally be the best tv program ever
+boblet> it wouldn't make much sense
+boblet> but like, quality
@Nikina> ...ever!
+boblet> and educational
+boblet> the worlds greatest buildings train crash investigator moments fromd anger when hitler attacks of course
+boblet> and llamas in it would make it even more compelling
@Nikina> Yeah, the llamas were in the sequel.
+boblet> what?
@Benway> the worlds greatest buildings train crash investigator moments fromd anger when hitler attacks llamas with intimate dryness
+boblet> Even taller buildings with train crash investigator moments on llamas when hitler attacks
@Nikina> And Napoleon too.
+boblet> Hitler attacks intimate dryness with napoleon riding llamas in the worlds greatest buildings supervised by train accident investigators: miami
+boblet> that's the less popular spinoff
+TheBigYin> but since when has mere ratings been an issue for the Discovery Channel
@Nikina> Yah, but it has all those graphic sequences of Nazi llama autopsies.
+boblet> well, if llamas choose to be nazis, that's their business


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